1. Setting up the Mock CRM

Preparing the Integration for External HTTP API Access

Glyue integrations are exposed via their URL. We need to make two changes to our integration to prepare it for external calls. Start by navigating to the Build page, right-clicking on the integration, and selecting Configure.

  1. Remove spaces from the integration's Path Name so it can be used in a URL. Change User Management (Tutorial) to user_management_tutorial

  2. Enable HTTP API access by checking the Enable API Access box.

Click Save, then close the modal using the X in the top-right corner.

Finding the Integration URL

To get an integration's execution URL, right click on the integration and click Run Integration. The top of the Integration Runner shows the integration's URL. Copy the URL using the Copy button on the right side and save it.

Setting up the Mock CRM

Using the navigation bar, open Frontends. Click Create in the top right. Enter the following:

Name: Mock CRM

Path: mock-crm

Download this .zip file that contains the source code for a simple mock CRM:

Upload it to your Frontend by dragging the .zip file into the Files section on the right side.

Save your frontend by clicking Create.

Configuring the Mock CRM

Open the mock CRM by clicking the View button. In the popup window, enter the integration URL you obtained in the previous step and click Save Configuration.

Last updated