2. Vault Setup
To perform the following steps, the user must be a Glyue administrator for the target environment.
In this step, we will make use of Glyue's vault feature as a data store for our list of customers. To learn about vault and its full suite of methods, visit this guide for more information.
Create Vault
Log into Glyue and navigate to the Vault page.
Click on the Create Vault button, name the vault data, and save by clicking on the button again or pressing enter on your keyboard.
You should see the newly created vault on the Vault page.
Create Vault Item
To perform the following steps, the user must be a Glyue administrator for the target environment.
We will create a vault item containing a list of customer information. Each customer will have an id, first name, last name, birth date, and a social security number.
To create a vault item, click on the data vault to highlight it and click on the Create Vault Item button. Name the vault item key customers and add a value of []
for the vault item key.
Save the vault item.
The data vault should now have a vault item named customers.
Add Vault Permissions
To perform the following steps, the user must be a Glyue administrator for the target environment.
Log into Glyue, if necessary and navigate to the Admin site.
Scroll to the Configuration section, locate Vault Permissions and click Add.
On the Add Vault Permissions page, select data from the Vault dropdown menu, select the integration get_all_customers
from the Integration dropdown menu, and check the boxes Read and Write.
Click on the Save button below.
Add a vault permission for each integration we had created.
Last updated