Okta Setup

Before continuing, this user should be an Okta admin for the organization, and a SAML Config must be created in the Glyue Environment.

Create the Glyue application in Okta

From the Okta dashboard, find Applications on the left-hand panel and select Applications under it.

Click the Create App Integration button.

Select SAML 2.0 and click Next

Give the app a name. We suggest something like Glyue DEV, Glyue PROD etc. Click Next.

Provide Glyue’s SAML info to Okta

The Glyue environment SAML metadata will be required for the next step.

Glyue always serves its metadata at https:// (custom domain) /sso/saml2/metadata/. If this user is also a Glyue administrator, the metadata URL will be displayed on the Admin site under SAML Configs.

Single sign-on URL

In the XML document, locate an element named AssertionConsumerService and grab the URL from its Location attribute (do not include the ").

In most cases this will be https://[domain]/sso/saml2/acs/

Audience URI (SP Entity ID)

In the XML document, locate the first element EntityDescriptor and grab the value for its entityID attribute. In most cases this will be the same URL of Glyue’s metadata (do not include the ").

Attribute Statements

Although the Okta wizard says it is optional, it is actually necessary. Add an attribute called email, with URI Reference for its Name format. Select user.email as the Value.

Click Next, provide feedback to Okta if so inclined, and click Finish.

Get the Okta metadata for Glyue

From the Applications screen, click the newly created application and go to the Sign On tab.

Under Settings > Sign on methods > SAML 2.0 > Metadata details, grab the Metadata URL.

This will be needed on the Glyue side, when adding this Okta environment as an IdP. If this user is not a Glyue admin, please provide the URL to a Sandbox Banking employee.


Don’t forget to assign users or groups to the new Okta application- otherwise they won’t be able to authenticate with Glyue via Okta SSO.

Last updated