A Glyue user's permissions a governed by three concepts:
User Type
Run History
Swagger API
View Changes
Admin (settings)
A Standard Glyue user account is appropriate for everyday users who are involved in the building, maintenance, or monitoring of integrations.
A Staff Glyue user is equivalent to a system administrator. These users have access to additional pages, notably the Invite page, which allows them to invite additional Standard and Staff users into Glyue, and the Admin page, which controls settings for the Glyue environment.
A Service Account is an account created to manage third-party system access to integrations on Glyue. A Service Account is only meant to execute integrations, and cannot log into the Glyue UI, view or edit integrations, or invite other users. Learn more about service accounts here.
User Permissions
Both Standard and Staff users can have their abilities augmented by being granted permissions specific to a particular action. These permissions must be granted by a member of Sandbox staff — reach out to for help.
Integration Permissions
Each user — both Standard and Staff — must be explicitly granted permission to access integrations. This must be done for each integration. Typically this is handled by your Sandbox Solution Engineer — reach out to for help.
Integrations have four separate permission types: Read, Write, Execute, and Debug. By default, the user who creates the integration has all four integration permissions.
— Allows the user to see the contents of the integration, including its Service Requests, Field Mappings, Value Mapping Sets, etc.write
— Allows the user to modify the integrationexecute
— Allows the user to run the integration using the Run Integration feature, or via an API call using their account credentialsdebug
— Allows the user to see run histories from past integration runs, regardless of which account originally ran the integration
Group Permissions
Groups may have additional permissions granted to them. Any member of the group automatically receives these permissions when they become a member of a group, and the permissions are revoked if the user is removed from the group.
Permissions granted through a group are only additive to any existing permissions a user has.
Groups and Group Permissions are typically managed by Sandbox — reach out to for help.
Permissions Across Environments
In standard Glyue projects, a user will have access to three separate environments: DEV, TEST, and PROD. While the permissions concepts outlined on this page function the same way on all three environments, policies and best-practice dictates which permissions are typically given in each environment. Glyue's default policy is:
Read, Debug, Write*
Read, Debug
Read, Debug
*We recommend restricting Write permissions to the minimum set of users necessary to build the integration.
You'll notice no group receives Execution permissions. Glyue's best practice is to restrict execution permissions to a dedicated service account, rather than executing integrations via an employee's Glyue account.
Last updated
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