Web Service Endpoints

Configuration reference for non-default HTTP(S) integration API paths and verbs

Glyue supports building web services that execute integrations via user-defined URL paths and methods. These enables the construction of traditional RESTful web services as explained in the Building a RESTful CRUD Web Service guide.

Only URL paths starting with /api/ or /rest/ are currently supported.

Create a Web Service Endpoint

To create a web service endpoint for an integration:

  1. Navigate to the Build page using the navigation sidebar.

  2. Right-click on the integration you want to create a webservice endpoint for. Click Configure.

  3. Exapnd the Webservice Endpoints section, then click + Add Webservice Endpoint

  4. Fill the fields, then click Save.

Using a Webservice Endpoint

The full URL for a webservice endpoint is your.environment.name.sandboxbanking.com/prefix/path_name where

  • prefix is either api or rest

  • path_name is the path name configured in the webservice endpoint, not the pathname of the integration


NameExample Value (s)Description


Example: q2/apps

Specifies the endpoint's URL path following the initial /api/ or /rest/ root fragment. Do not include a leading / .



Specifies the HTTP method used for calling the API.


/api, /rest

Specifies the endpoint URL's root path fragment. All web service endpoints must start with either /api/ or /rest/.


Example: Retrieves applications from Q2 Gro online deposit opening system

Description of the web service endpoint.

Response content type

application/json, application/html, text/xml, text/html, application/soap+xml

Specifies the integration response type.

Last updated