Service Request


relationship - required

The integration that the service request is related to.


relationship - required

If specified, the service request will be attached to another service request.


integer - required

Order in which the service requests associated with the integration will execute, from lowest (first) to highest (last). Service requests with the same sequence will be run in arbitrary order.


string - required

The external system being called by the service request. Banking-specific systems are identified by name, otherwise the HTTP adapter is suitable for connecting to arbitrary systems.


string - required

The API service being called within the target system. Usage specifics vary from system to system.


string - required

The name of the variable that will contain the requestand response values of this service request. If the service request uses call_for_each , requestand response will be lists of objects.

This variable can be accessed in subsequent service requests, field mappings, or lifecycle hooks of the integration as a means to pass data.


code block - optional

This expression must return a boolean. If it resolves to True , the service request will be run. If left empty, the service request will always run.


iterable - optional

Specifies an iterable. The service request will run once for every entry in the iterable. Within other code blocks or field mappings of the service request, the specific entry in the iterable can be accessed using sritemand its index via srindex .

Resolves before the call_if block.


boolean - optional

Determines whether the integration should quit if the call to the external system fails. By default, the integration will not quit.


string - optional


string - optional

Replaces the name of the service with specified string in error messages. Useful to improve readility of errors for non-technical customers.


string - optional

Documentation field, internal to Glyue.

Lifecycle Hooks

These are code blocks that are run during lifecycle of the service request. They are equivalent in function, differentiated only by the time at which they are executed. See the Service Request Lifecycle for a visual explanation of hook timing.

None are required for a service request to function.

  • before_prepare_request_hook

  • after_prepare_request_success_hook

  • after_prepare_request_failure_hook

  • before_execute_request_hook

  • after_execute_request_success_hook

  • after_execute_request_failure_hook

  • after_overall_success_hook

  • after_overall_failure_hook

Last updated