1. Creating the Integration

Create the Integration

To create an integration, navigate to the Build Page using the navigation sidebar along the left, then click the plus icon (+) in the toolbar along the bottom. This will open the Integration Configuration Wizard.

In the wizard, give your new integration a name and description. For example:

Name: User Management (Tutorial) Description: This integration requests a user from randomuser.com and performs basic processing on it.

Create a new integration

Leave all other fields as they are, click Save, then click Continue. You will now see the Systems step in the wizard.

Adding a System

Glyue uses Adapters to store information about the third-party systems you're integrating with. We will now add the information for the randomuser.meAPI.

Click on Add System, then search for and select HTTP from the Available Adapters dropdown list.

Add a new HTTP adapter

Beneath it, click on the Select Adapter Config dropdown, then click Add New Adapter. This will open a popup window.

In the popup window, enter the following:

  • Name: randomuser.me API

  • Host: randomuser.me

Leave all other fields blank / as-is and click Save Adapter Bindings, then click Continue.

Add randomuser.me API details to the HTTP adapter

The randomuser.me API doesn't involve authentication so we can leave most of the fields blank. For other APIs that require various forms of authentication, those credentials would be entered here.

The final step of the wizard involves sharing permissions to edit and run your integrations with others. For now, we'll skip this step and click on Go to Build, where we will see our new integration highlighted on the Build Page.

New integration created

Last updated